Results for 'Antoni I. Martin'

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  1.  38
    Llenguatge i coneixement en el Cràtil de Plató.Antoni Defez I. Martin - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:123-143.
    La meva intenció en les pàgines següents és analitzar la teoria del llenguatge que es troba en el Cràtil de Plató. D'una banda, s'analitza la concepció del significat de les paraules quePlató sembla defensar en aquest diàleg; de l'altra, s'ocupa del problema dels orígens delllenguatge. Aquestes qüestions s'estudien en relació amb la perspectiva ontològica i epistemològicade Plató: essencialisme, teoria de la reminiscència i les tesis dels sofistes sobre laimpossibilitat de parlar amb falsedat. La conclusió és que en el Cràtil podem (...)
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    Realismo sin empirismo.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 28 (1):13-26.
    In this paper a non-paradoxical interpretation of Hobbes’s defence of scientific realism of materialistic type is proposed. It attempts to explain how this author was able to defend the truth of materialism and at the same time to deny that it could be demonstrated in a metaphysical way. The key to his position depends on the metaphorical use of the concept of ‘imitation’ and the treatment of the infinite and irresistible power as the philosophically relevant attribute of God. So Hobbes’s (...)
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    (1 other version)«Dígales que mi vida ha sido maravillosa»: ética y existencia en L. Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez I. Martín - 1994 - Isegoría 9:154-163.
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  4. ¿Que es una creencia?Antoni Defez I. Martín - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 38 (1):199-221.
    Este artículo se ocupa del problema de cuál pueda ser la naturaleza de la creencia y cuál la mejor explicación de su normatividad. Se analizan diversas teorías que desarrollan el modelo ¿estado más contenido¿, y se presenta como alternativa una concepción de filiación wittgensteiniana que entiende la creencia como acción simbólica y expresiva.
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  5. Keynote Lectures.Daniel Ariztegui, Antony R. Berger, Luis Alberto Borrero, Enrique H. Bucher, Pedro Depetris, Martin Grosjean, Ramon Julià, Nizamettin Kazancı, Suzanne Leroy & Patricio I. Moreno - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  6. Randomness Is Unpredictability.Antony Eagle - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (4):749-790.
    The concept of randomness has been unjustly neglected in recent philosophical literature, and when philosophers have thought about it, they have usually acquiesced in views about the concept that are fundamentally flawed. After indicating the ways in which these accounts are flawed, I propose that randomness is to be understood as a special case of the epistemic concept of the unpredictability of a process. This proposal arguably captures the intuitive desiderata for the concept of randomness; at least it should suggest (...)
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    Augustus' Eintritt in die griechische Literatur.Martin Hose - 2018 - Hermes 146 (1):23-40.
    This paper aims at reconstructing how the positive image of Octavian resp. Augustus, which can be found in the Greek literature of the early 2nd century AD (e. g. in Plutarch), was formed. During their conflict with Octavian, Marc Antony and his party were creating an image of their opponent which displayed numerous forms of disparagement and of invective elements. After his victory, Octavian faced the challenge to restore his reputation also in the Greek East. As a starting point for (...)
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  8. Literary into cultural studies: A reply to Martin Ryle.Antony Easthope & Martin Ryle - 1995 - Radical Philosophy 70.
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    The European reception of John D. Caputo's thought: radicalizing theology.Joeri Schrijvers & Martin Kočí (eds.) - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores Caputo's proposal for a radical theology of our time. Philosophers and theologians from within Europe respond to Caputo's attempt to configure a less rigid, less dogmatic form of religion. These scholars, in turn, receive responses by Caputo, thereby strengthening the development of radical theology in Europe and abroad.
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    Emotional signals in nonverbal interaction: Dyadic facilitation and convergence in expressions, appraisals, and feelings.Martin Bruder, Dina Dosmukhambetova, Josef Nerb & Antony S. R. Manstead - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):480-502.
    We examined social facilitation and emotional convergence in amusement, sadness, and fear in dynamic interactions. Dyads of friends or strangers jointly watched emotion-eliciting films while they either could or could not communicate nonverbally. We assessed three components of each emotion (expressions, appraisals, and feelings), as well as attention to and social motives toward the co-participant. In Study 1, participants interacted through a mute videoconference. In Study 2, they sat next to each other and either were or were not separated by (...)
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  11. Misconduct in research-report of an ad hoc advisory-committee to the Dean of the Harvard-medical-school on dishonesty in scientific-research, 25 january, 1982.R. S. Ross, A. C. Barger, R. H. Pfeiffer, B. Benacerraf, B. S. Dreben, S. J. Farber, G. Frug, R. I. Levy & J. B. Martin - 1985 - Minerva 23 (3):423-432.
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    Stradanie i ego rolʹ v kulʹture.I︠U︡. M. Antoni︠a︡n - 2013 - Moskva: Infra-M.
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    Semantic Working Memory Predicts Sentence Comprehension Performance: A Case Series Approach.Autumn Horne, Rachel Zahn, Oscar I. Najera & Randi C. Martin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sentence comprehension involves maintaining and continuously integrating linguistic information and, thus, makes demands on working memory. Past research has demonstrated that semantic WM, but not phonological WM, is critical for integrating word meanings across some distance and resolving semantic interference in sentence comprehension. Here, we examined the relation between phonological and semantic WM and the comprehension of center-embedded relative clause sentences, often argued to make heavy demands on WM. Additionally, we examined the relation between phonological and semantic WM and the (...)
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  14. Cooperación cultural y diversidad cultural.Antoni Nicolau I. Martí - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:26-33.
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  15. Language and Metaphysical Realism in Locke.Antoni Defez Martin - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (244):279-295.
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    The challenges of statistical patterns of language: The case of Menzerath's law in genomes.Ramon Ferrer‐I.‐Cancho, Núria Forns, Antoni Hernández‐Fernández, Gemma Bel‐Enguix & Jaume Baixeries - 2013 - Complexity 18 (3):11-17.
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  17. “Letter on humanism”.Martin Heidegger - unknown
    I am go back through all those places where I was exiled-enclosed so he could constitute his there. To read his text to try to take back from it what he took from me irrecoverably...I am trying to re-discover the possibility of a relation to air. Don’t I need one, well before starting to speak?
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  18. Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues.Martin Curd & Jan A. Cover (eds.) - 1998 - Norton.
    Contents Preface General Introduction 1 | Science and Pseudoscience Introduction Karl Popper, Science: Conjectures and Refutations Thomas S. Kuhn, Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? Imre Lakatos, Science and Pseudoscience Paul R. Thagard, Why Astrology Is a Pseudoscience Michael Ruse, Creation-Science Is Not Science Larry Laudan, Commentary: Science at the Bar---Causes for Concern Commentary 2 | Rationality, Objectivity, and Values in Science Introduction Thomas S. Kuhn, The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions Thomas S. Kuhn, Objectivity, Value Judgment, and (...)
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  19. Personal Bonds: Directed Obligations without Rights.Adrienne M. Martin - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1):65-86.
    I argue for adopting a conception of obligation that is broader than the conception commonly adopted by moral philosophers. According to this broader conception, the crucial marks of an obligatory action are, first, that the reasons for the obliged party to perform the action include an exclusionary reason and, second, that the obliged party is the appropriate target of blaming reactive attitudes, if they inexcusably fail to perform the obligatory action. An obligation is directed if the exclusionary reason depends on (...)
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  20.  26
    Rethinking feminist organizations.Patricia Yancey Martin - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):182-206.
    This article analyzes feminist organizations as a species of social movement organization. It identifies 10 dimensions for comparing feminist and nonfeminist organizations or for deriving types of feminist organizations and analyzing them. The dimensions are feminist ideology, feminist values, feminist goals, feminist outcomes, founding circumstances, structure, practice, members and membership, scope and scale, and external relations. I argue that many scholars judge feminist organizations against an ideal type that is largely unattainable and that excessive attention has been paid to the (...)
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  21. (1 other version)What is White Ignorance?Annette Martín - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this paper, I identify a theoretical and political role for ‘white ignorance’, present three alternative accounts of white ignorance, and assess how well each fulfils this role. On the Willful Ignorance View, white ignorance refers to white individuals’ willful ignorance about racial injustice. On the Cognitivist View, white ignorance refers to ignorance resulting from social practices that distribute faulty cognitive resources. On the Structuralist View, white ignorance refers to ignorance that (1) results as part of a social process that (...)
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  22. ¿De qué manera es posible ser un escéptico?Antoni Defez Martín - 2012 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 45:211-222.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar qué tipo de respuesta al escepticismo filosófico podemos esperar de los llamados argumentos transcendentales. La conclusión general es que los argumentos transcendentales no son capaces de neutralizar las dudas escépticas en tanto que formulaciones verbales de posibilidades lógicas. Ahora bien, teniendo en cuenta que el escéptico no puede presentar sus dudas significativamente, parece que sólo tiene tres opciones: dudar con la ayuda de un silencio místico, dudar usando las palabras de una manera metafórica (...)
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    GORGIAS: Applying argumentation.Antonis C. Kakas, Pavlos Moraitis & Nikolaos I. Spanoudakis - 2018 - Argument and Computation 10 (1):55-81.
    This paper presents the past and present efforts of developing real-life applications of argumentation with the Gorgias preference-based structured argumentation framework of Logic Programming with Priorities. Since its free availability on the web in 2003, the Gorgias system has been used by different groups in a variety of real-life applications in areas such as medical support, network security, business computing, ambient intelligence and, recently, in the area of cognitive personal assistants. We briefly review the Gorgias framework and its past applications (...)
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  24. Animal Research that Respects Animal Rights: Extending Requirements for Research with Humans to Animals.Angela K. Martin - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):59-72.
    The purpose of this article is to show that animal rights are not necessarily at odds with the use of animals for research. If animals hold basic moral rights similar to those of humans, then we should consequently extend the ethical requirements guiding research with humans to research with animals. The article spells out how this can be done in practice by applying the seven requirements for ethical research with humans proposed by Ezekiel Emanuel, David Wendler and Christine Grady to (...)
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  25. (2 other versions)Particular Thoughts & Singular Thought.M. G. F. Martin - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 51:173-214.
    A long-standing theme in discussion of perception and thought has been that our primary cognitive contact with individual objects and events in the world derives from our perceptual contact with them. When I look at a duck in front of me, I am not merely presented with the fact that there is at least one duck in the area, rather I seem to be presented withthisthing (as one might put it from my perspective) in front of me, which looks to (...)
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    Education without men: on Niklas Luhmann.Antoni J. Colom & Joan Carles Mèlich I. Sangrà - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 21:77.
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  27. How to model lexical priority.Martin Smith - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    A moral requirement R1 is said to be lexically prior to a moral requirement R2 just in case we are morally obliged to uphold R1 at the expense of R2 – no matter how many times R2 must be violated thereby. While lexical priority is a feature of many ethical theories, and arguably a part of common sense morality, attempts to model it within the framework of decision theory have led to a series of problems – a fact which is (...)
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    Is conferralism descriptively adequate?Linda Martín Alcoff - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):289-296.
    This paper will develop a set of concerns about a central feature of Ásta's account of social categories that she calls “conferralism.” I argue that generalist approaches to social categories such as Ásta provides are inadequate as a way of understanding the diverse formations of diverse categories, and that conferralism overemphasizes the power of top-down forces (what she calls “persons with standing”) to confer social identities. This approach then underplays the horizontal and bottom-up influences on category formation as well as (...)
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    Argument Evaluation: If your Snark be a Boojum….Martin Hinton - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):123-134.
    In this essay, I make a plea for a wide-ranging, open perspective on the evaluation of arguments. This involves a more flexible understanding of what fallacies are and for what argu-ments may be used. I acknowledge the great wealth of argumentation theory, but bemoan the lack of systematic, re-peatable, and explainable evaluation procedures. I then go on to introduce the works which contribute to this spe-cial issue and explain how they assist in the fulfilment of my hopes. Résumé: Dans cet (...)
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  30. The roots (and routes) of the epistemology of ignorance.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (1):9-28.
    This paper elaborates on the idea of the epistemology of ignorance developed in Charles Mills’s work beginning in the 1980s and continuing throughout his writings. I I argue that his account developed initially from experiences of racism in north America as well as certain methods of organizing within parts of the Caribbean left. Essentially the epistemic practice of ignorance causes knowers to discredit or push away knowledge they in fact have. But this gives us cause for hope, for restoring existing (...)
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  31. Standpoints: A Study of a Metaphysical Picture.Martin A. Lipman - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (3):117-138.
    There is a type of metaphysical picture that surfaces in a range of philosophical discussions, is of intrinsic interest, and yet remains ill-understood. According to this picture, the world contains a range of standpoints relative to which different facts obtain. Any true representation of the world cannot but adopt a particular standpoint. The aim of this paper is to propose a regimentation of a metaphysics that underwrites this picture. Key components are a factive notion of metaphysical relativity, a deflationary notion (...)
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  32. Partial understanding.Martín Abreu Zavaleta - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2):1-32.
    Say that an audience understands a given utterance perfectly only if she correctly identifies which proposition (or propositions) that utterance expresses. In ideal circumstances, the participants in a conversation will understand each other’s utterances perfectly; however, even if they do not, they may still understand each other’s utterances at least in part. Although it is plausible to think that the phenomenon of partial understanding is very common, there is currently no philosophical account of it. This paper offers such an account. (...)
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    Der einzig wahre Bibeltext?: Erasmus von Rotterdam und die Frage nach dem Urtext.Martin Heide - 2006 - Nürnberg: VTR, Verlag für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft.
    Erasmus und die Reformation -- Erasmus und die Heilige Schrift -- Der erste gedruckte Text des griechischen NT -- Der kritische Text -- Erasmus' textkritische Methoden und die Qualität des textus receptus -- Die Sonderlesarten des textus receptus (Joh 1,k28 - 1Joh 5,7) -- Der textus receptus in der Offenbarung -- Vom Mehrheitstext und vom kritischen Text -- Von wörtlichen und von fliessenden Übersetzungen -- Exkurs I: Einige Daten zur Hs Hoskier 141 (Greg 2049) -- Exkurs II: Erasmus' latein. Übersetzung (...)
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    Compression as a Universal Principle of Animal Behavior.Ramon Ferrer‐I.‐Cancho, Antoni Hernández‐Fernández, David Lusseau, Govindasamy Agoramoorthy, Minna J. Hsu & Stuart Semple - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (8):1565-1578.
    A key aim in biology and psychology is to identify fundamental principles underpinning the behavior of animals, including humans. Analyses of human language and the behavior of a range of non-human animal species have provided evidence for a common pattern underlying diverse behavioral phenomena: Words follow Zipf's law of brevity (the tendency of more frequently used words to be shorter), and conformity to this general pattern has been seen in the behavior of a number of other animals. It has been (...)
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    Reviews and Interviews.Tomasz Fisiak, Wit Pietrzak, Antoni Górny, Krzysztof Majer, Bill Gaston, Uilleam Blacker & Joanna Kosmalska - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6:293-319.
    Timeless Radcliffe: A Review of Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic - Tomasz Fisiak Yeats’s Genres and Tensions: A Review of Charles I. Armstrong’s Reframing Yeats: Genre, Allusion and History - Wit Pietrzak Review of Anna Pochmara’s The Making of the New Negro: Black Authorship, Masculinity, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance - Antoni Górny “Artful Exaggeration” - Krzysztof Majer Interviews Bill Gaston Transcultural Theatre in the UK - Uilleam Blacker Talks to Joanna Kosmalska.
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  36. (1 other version)The Concept of Time.Martin Heidegger - 1992 - New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Ingo Farin.
    The Concept of Time presents the reconstructed text of a lecture delivered by Martin Heidegger to the Marburg Theological Society in 1924. It offers a fascinating insight into the developmental years leading up to the publication, in 1927, of his magnum opus Being and Time, itself one of the most influential philosophical works this century. In The Concept of Time Heidegger introduces many of the central themes of his analyses of human existence which were subsequently incorporated into Being and (...)
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    The Logic of Growth.Christopher J. Martin - 1998 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 7 (1):1-15.
    Among the various testimonia assembled by Iwakuma and Ebbesen to the twelfth-century school of philosophers known as the Nominales,Iwakuma Yukio and Sten Ebbesen, “Logico -Theological Schools from the Secon d Half of the 12th Century: A List of Sources,” Vivarium XXX (1992):173–210. four record their commitment to the apparently outrageous thesis that nothing grows. My aim in this essay is to explore the reasons the Nominale s had for maintaining this thesis and to investigate the role that the theory which (...)
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  38. Why rationalist compositionality won't go away (either).Víctor Martín Verdejo Aparicio - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 24 (1):29-47.
    Vigorous Fodorian criticism may make it seem impossible for Inferential Role Semantics (IRS) to accommodate compositionality. In this paper, first, I introduce a neo-Fregean version of IRS that appeals centrally to the notion of rationality. Second, I show how such a theory can respect compositionality by means of semantic rules. Third, I argue that, even if we consider top-down compositional derivability: a) the Fodorian is not justified in claiming that it involves so-called reverse compositionality; and b) a defender of IRS (...)
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  39. Metodologicheskie problemy nauchnogo znanii︠a︡.G. A. Antoni︠u︡k, A. I. Golovnev, P. F. Protaseni︠a︡ & Ch S. Slavinskiĭ (eds.) - 1983 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika,".
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    The challenges of statistical patterns of language: The case of Menzerath's law in genomes.Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho, Núria Forns, Antoni Hernández-Fernández, Gemma Bel-Enguix & Jaume Baixeries - 2013 - Complexity 18 (3):11-17.
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    Reason and Ritual.Martin Hollis - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (165):231 - 247.
    Certain primitive Yoruba carry about with them boxes covered with cowrie shells, which they treat with special regard. When asked what they are doing, they apparently reply that the boxes are their heads or souls and that they are protecting them against witchcraft. Is that an interesting fact or a bad translation? The question is, I believe, partly philosophical. In what follows, I shall propound and try to solve the philosopher's question, arguing that it has large implications for the theory (...)
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  42. In defense of disjointism.Martin A. Lipman - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3007-3030.
    Disjointism is the view that co-located objects do not share any parts. A human-shaped statue is composed from a torso, head and limbs; the co-located lumpof clay is only composed from chunks of clay. This essay discusses the tenability of this relatively neglected view, focusing on two objections. The first objection is that disjointism implies co-located copies of microphysical particles. I argue that it doesn’t imply this and that there are more plausible disjointist views of tiny parts available. The second (...)
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    Author’s response to a review symposium on Knowledge Lost.Martin Mulsow - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    I feel deeply honoured that my book Knowledge Lost has been critically reviewed by four of the leading historians in intellectual history and the history of knowledge. I won’t be able to address al...
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  44. Hopes and Dreams.Adrienne M. Martin - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (1):148 - 173.
    It is a commonplace in both the popular imagination and the philosophical literature that hope has a special kind of motivational force. This commonplace underwrites the conviction that hope alone is capable of bolstering us in despairinducing circumstances, as well as the strategy of appealing to hope in the political realm. In section 1, I argue that, to the contrary, hope’s motivational essence is not special or unique—it is simply that of an endorsed desire. The commonplace is not entirely mistaken, (...)
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    Peter John Olivi on Perception, Attention, and the Soul’s Orientation towards the Body.André Martin - 2019 - In Elena Băltuță, Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Leiden ;: Investigating Medieval Philoso. pp. 304-333.
    In this paper, I aim to explain Peter John Olivi’s technical notion of “aspectus.” More specifically, I distinguish different uses of this notion by Olivi, not all of which have been made clear in the secondary literature, in order to help resolve a prima facie tension in the way Olivi puts together his active theory of cognition and his direct account of cognition (or “direct realism”). In brief, the issue is that Olivi builds his active theory of cognition out of (...)
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    Breu història de la filosofia: les grans etapes del pensament filosòfic.Antoni Bosch I. Veciana (ed.) - 1987 - Barcelona: Columna.
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    Amistat i unitat en el Lisis de Plató: el "Lisis" com a narració d'una "synousia" dialogal socràtica.Antoni Bosch I. Veciana - 2003 - Barcelona: Barcelonesa d'Edicions.
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    Normality and the Treatment-Enhancement Distinction.Daniel Martín, Jon Rueda, Brian D. Earp & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (2):1-14.
    There is little debate regarding the acceptability of providing medical care to restore physical or mental health that has deteriorated below what is considered typical due to disease or disorder (i.e., providing “treatment”—for example, administering psychostimulant medication to sustain attention in the case of attention deficit disorder). When asked whether a healthy individual may undergo the same intervention for the purpose of enhancing their capacities (i.e., “enhancement”—for example, use of a psychostimulant as a “study drug”), people often express greater hesitation. (...)
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    Horkheimer, Habermas, Foucault as Political Epistemologists.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):67-92.
    This paper reorients the problematic of political epistemology to put power at the centre of analysis, through an analysis of writings on the relationship between power and knowledge by Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault. In their work, political epistemology was pursued analogously to the development of political economy, which explored the background conditions and assumptions of economic research. I also show that Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault each had normative aims intended to improve both epistemology and knowing practices. Though their approaches are (...)
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    Experiences of activity and causality in schizophrenia: When predictive deficits lead to a retrospective over-binding.Jean-Rémy Martin - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1361-1374.
    In this paper I discuss an intriguing and relatively little studied symptomatic expression of schizophrenia known as experiences of activity in which patients form the delusion that they can control some external events by the sole means of their mind. I argue that experiences of activity result from patients being prone to aberrantly infer causal relations between unrelated events in a retrospective way owing to widespread predictive deficits. Moreover, I suggest that such deficits may, in addition, lead to an aberrant (...)
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